IFC is happy to invite you to several events being put on by LIVE (Leaders in Interpersonal Violence Education) throughout the month of April in honor of sexual assault awareness month.
April 7th: Jackson Katz in Graham Chapel at 7:30pm
-Jackson Katz, Ph.D. is an American educator, author, filmmaker and cultural theorist who is internationally renowned for his pioneering work in gender violence prevention education. Jackson Katz speaks around the globe on topics related to violence, media and multiracial & international masculinities. We are very fortunate to have him give his speech “Taking It Personally: Why Gender Violence Is An Issue For Everyone” here at Washington University.
April 19th: Self Care Skill Share in Tisch Commons at 7:00pm
-Come take a break and practice self care with LIVE and several other student groups. Learn skills like how to intervene, how to support a friend, and how to practice self care. Free pizza and cookies provided!
April 28th: Take Back the Night (walk from Seigle is at 6:30pm and event starts at 7:00pm in Graham Chapel)
-This culminating event is a chance for people to speak out against violence. It is a way to raise our voices with all individuals impacted.
Follow this link to the LIVE event Facebook page, where you can learn more about SAAM: http://tinyurl.com/LIVE-SAAM
And for more info about the Jackson Katz event, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/496865203852630/